Saturday, December 28, 2019

Climate And Paleoclimatology - 1665 Words

4.0 Measuring and Noticing the Change 4.1 Paleoclimatology The Earth has maintained records of its climatic conditions in glaciers and ice caps, sediments from lakes and oceans, within the skeletons of coral reefs, as well as tree rings. The study of these samples is known as paleoclimatology. These environmental recorders can be used by scientists to estimate past conditions. Common findings from paleoclimatologists (those who study environmental evidence to gain insight on what the past climate was like and why) indicate that the Earth’s climate is always changing. Further examination shows that the Earth’s climate is able to drastically shift in a matter of years or decades. A main focus in paleoclimatology is to distinguish whether the†¦show more content†¦As the layers are marked based on seasonal variations in snow, the isotopic composition of the precipitation is examined further to determine the temperature when and where the snow fell. Similarly, examining the isotopic properties of wind-blown dust allows for the material to be traced back to its origin. Anything that is within the atmosphere has the potential to end up in an ice core, and more often than not remains unchanged over time. Trapped gases in air bubbles are highly reliable records of atmospheric composition. Slight differences between bubbles and air composition caused by gravitational and thermal effects, are well understood and recognizable. Certain chemical reactions in impure ice can possibly produce abnormal compositions for some gases. However, due to the close association of the gas and ice-chemistry, it is a clear indicator of climate change (Óskarsson, 2004). Ice core records are generally cross-referenced with other ice core records along with other methods of instrumental climate records to confirm findings. Statistical and physical analyses are needed to put small, one-time changes into perspective. Meanwhile, large changes in the concentrations of most materials in ice, reflect changes in their atmospheric l oading. Similar to layers of snow accumulating on top of glaciers or ice caps, billions of tons of sediment accumulate on the ocean floor and in lake basins each year andShow MoreRelatedEarths Climate, Look To The Ocean By Christopher Sarro807 Words   |  4 Pages I chose an article in the CLIMATE MONITORING section. To Study Earth’s Climate, Look to the Ocean by Christopher Sarro on October 3, 2017 This article focuses on how some international scientist’s measurement and analysis the ocean heat using past and present tools. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Unseen Forces Lesbian Relationships in Stokers Dracula...

Though it appears on the surface to be an engaging horror story about a blood-sucking Transylvanian man, upon diving deeper into Bram Stokers novel Dracula, one can find issues of female sexuality, homoeroticism, and gender roles. Many read Dracula as an entertaining story full of scary castles, seductive vampires, and mysterious forces, yet at the same time, they are being bombarded with descriptions of sex, images of rape, and homosexual relationships. In Francis Coppolas Bram Stokers Dracula, Stokers presentation of homoeroticism is taken, reworked, and presented in a different, stronger light. Coppola does much in the area of emphasizing a homoerotic relationship between Mina Harker and Lucy Westerna: a relationship Bram Stoker†¦show more content†¦Mina claims she loves Lucy with all the moods and tenses of the verb, implying that she does not love her like a sister or friend, but as a lover and confidant. Because Jonathan only sends his respectful duty, the reader can s ee that he realizes the womens relationship is a little too close and is envious of Minas attention towards Lucy. This envy shows itself in the resentment Jonathan harbors towards Miss Westerna. The homosexual relationship that is hinted at in the novel is made clear in Bram Stokers Dracula, but only in scenes that are not in the book. This fact takes the legitimacy, for many, out of the proof of a lesbian relationship, but as Jeffery Chown points out, Coppola clearly believes that fidelity to the original literary text will ultimately enhance the filmic results of the adaptation (1). In staying true to the novel in terms of Lucy and Minas lesbian relationship, Coppola grabs his audiences attention and leaves them wondering and contemplating. The images he provides for the audience are quite obvious as to what they are implying as well as scandalous in some parts. Towards the beginning of the movie, Mina and Lucy are shown in a sex scene that Coppola depicts as a thunderstorm. As the scene unfolds, the two are shown dancing in the garden, laughing and moaning while being drenched in the pouring rain, along with a brief clip of them kissing. These proper Victorian women are shown in nightgowns so wet that the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What do you think Johnnys last words to Ponyboy in The Outsiders means free essay sample

The key aspect discussed in The outsiders By S.E. Hinton what does Johnny mean when he says stay gold to Ponyboy right before Johnny dies. What Johnny is trying to say that good things dont last long because the harsh realities of life he wants Ponyboy to stay strong dont go down the wrong path. Ponyboy listened to what Johnny says because now he pays more attention to school and trying to get to college rather than doing robberies. Johnny wrote a letter to dally and Ponyboy to tell them if he dies to stay gold stay strong.Gold can mean something else besides wealth it can mean to stay pure. For example, â€Å"he meant youre gold when you’re a kid, like green. When you’re a kid everythings new, dawn.† This quote means that you can’t stay gold forever it starts when your young and innocent but when you get old you see the harsh reality of the world and lose that innocence. We will write a custom essay sample on What do you think Johnnys last words to Ponyboy in The Outsiders means? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another example, â€Å" But only so an hour then leaf subsides to leaf so Eden sank to grief.† This quote proves that paradise place like Eden sank to grief meaning that innocence and staying pure does not last forever. For instance, on page 148 Johnny says â€Å"Stay gold Ponyboy Stay gold†¦..† This quote proves that Johnny want Ponyboy to stay gold as long as he can but the good things must come to an end. Another example, Johnny says stay gold to Ponyboy only because Dally is already cold and hard Ponyboy is still young and innocent Johnny wants him to stay this way. Many people believe that gold means to stay true to yourself. This view makes sense because Ponyboy never lied to himself had faith in himself. However, gold mostly means to Stay pure and innocent.Gold can also mean you have to stay strong and stay innocent. For example, in the poem, it says â€Å"Natures first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold†. This proves that its hard to stay yourself as Dally grew up he lost faith in himself. Also, Ponyboy and Johnny wanted to stay gold they felt guilty that cause of the cigarettes the children might die despite Dallys warnings. This proves that they did not listen to dally because they know he doesnt know how to stays gold. Even after ponyboy toughened up from the bad events he stays had gold in himself he didnt fully listen to dallys advice.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hegel vs. Kant Essay Example For Students

Hegel vs. Kant Essay Le point de depart de la philosophie critique de Kant est la philosophie rationaliste de Leibniz-Wolff . Par linfluence de Hume et de Rousseau, qui, selon ses propres termes, le mit sur le droit chemin, et provoqua chez lui une revolution de la reflexion, Kant sort de son sommeil dogmatique en matiere de contenus et de methodes, et elabore sa propre methode de reflexion philosophique. Lexpression critique transcendantale qualifie le mieux la methode dinvestigation philosophique de Kant. La philosophie rationaliste qui enonce que Ce qui nous (gotrmek) au savior exacte est les connaissances et les lois a priori synthetise avec la critique de causalite de Hume et les oeuvres de Rousseau donne la nasisance de cette philosophie critique. Sa volonte de tracer les frontieres dans tous les matieres est lie a la qualite critique de sa philosophie. Critique est la separation dans une autre terme. Son livre Critique de la Raison Pure publie en 1781, fond la base theorique de critisisme. Cette oeuvre argumente pour norte savoir ne puisse jamais transcende lexperience mais il est quasi a priori et suit un scheme de raisonnement: Lexamination des elements du savoir (transcendantale elementaire) , lexamination de la methode (transcendantale methodique) en etant sensible (transcendantale esthetique). Elle cherche a arabtyrmak les frontieres et la construction du savoir humain. Cette methode transcendantale est la methode qui examine le savoir en soi mais pas le savoir oriente a tel ou tel objet.Elle cherche aussi a trouver la nature exacte des interets ou buts de la raison et la moyenne de puovoir realiser ces interets. Kant separe ce que Leibniz confonde : Les jugements analytique et synthetique Les jugements a priori et a posteriori(empirique)Les jugements analytiques expliquent seulement les concepts ( le jugement les objets occupent une place ne donne pas une information puisque occuper une place constitue la definition meme de lobjet) mais ceux qui sont synthetique elarg issent notre connaissance ( le jugement cet objet est lourd etablit une relation entre le concept dobjet et detre lourd) Les jugements analytiques sont a priori mais les jugements synthetiques peuvent etre a la fois a priori et empirique. Ce probleme de pouvoir etre a priori pour les jugements synthetiques definit le theme principale de La critique de la Raison Pure.Kant appelle ces jugements synthetiques a priori, la seule source du savoir exacte. Yl synthetise lidealisme allemand avec lempirisme et philosophe sur un chemin empiriste rationale. Selon lui, la raison humaine, par sa construction, est susceptible a penser sur la metaphysique qui a trois idees: Dieu, liberte et immortalite. La connaissance exacte est lunion de la connaissance a priori et de lexperience.Cest pourquoi la metaphysique peut tres bien exercer cette synthese, pour pouvoir resoudre les derniers problemes de lexistance mais ce quon va rencontrer sur ce chemin ne sera que des apparences vides. Ainsi il indique limpossibilite pour nous de pouvoir savoir lessence du monde.Pour lui, limportance de ces idees est dans la pratique donc ils ont une rapport avec lethique. La dialectique chez Kant est une logique de lapparence, cest la logique du probable.Elle est errement de la raison pure lorsquelle use des categories hors du camp de lexperience possible. Yl cite dans Critique de la Raison Pure si lon veut sen servir comme dun instrument (organon) pour etendre et accroitre ses connaissances, on ne peut aboutir a rien de plus qua un verbiage par lequel on affirme, avec quelque apparence, ou lon conteste, suivant son humeur, tout ce quon veut . Les travaux des idealistes allemands qui succedent Kant, est oriente a constituer un systeme qui va non separer mais unir.Fichte prend son point de depart de moi, Schelling le trouve dans une racine qui existe a lorigine, ou tous les differences sont indifferents. Le systeme de Hegel est le dernier grand systeme et aussi le pic du rationalisme apres Kant. Pour Hegel, il ne faut pas dans un premier temps trouver le chemin du savoir et apres connaitre letre comme le suggere Kant.Parce que quand on soriente vers lentite de lEtre, le chemin apparait en soi: cest le chemin de la dialectique. Pour Hegel la philosophie est voir les objets par la reflexion masi cest la reflexion philosophique pas une reflexion sur un objet quelconque. La reflexion philosophique est de developper une systeme des concepts etant creative.Cette reflexion philosophique avance systematiquement et pose une chaine des concepts. La fin de cette chaine est le concept de lunivers(letre) ou se reunissent et relient tous les autres concepts.La philosophie est donc la reflexion en soi de letre. .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .postImageUrl , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:hover , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:visited , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:active { border:0!important; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:active , .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657 .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udc5c17037f78ab9f88a20560a34ed657:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: El Guerra De Los Cien Aos EssayNotre systeme de connaissance se forme selon Hegel par le developpement de tous les pensables lun apres lautre, en partant du concept qui couvre tout et en utilisant la dialectique. Dans lEncyclopedie, Hgel indique quil existe 3 cotes de ce qui est logique dans ce qui concerne la forme: a)labstrait (verstandige) b)dialectique ou raisonnable etant negative (vernnftige)c)speculative ou raisonnable etant positive Hegel indique que ces trois sont inseparables lun de lautre et la coexistance simultane de ces trois donne le sens dialectique en general a ce qui est logique.Ces trois cotes sont les elements constructifs de tous lentite logique reel m asi ne consistent pas les trois parties de Logique. (Ainsi A.Kojeve dit que la philosophie de Hegel nest pas dialectique mais descriptive puisque la realite relevee par Logos est dialectique, par la description de cette realite et par la mesure que cette realite est decrit elle est dialectique.) Laction dialectique continuera jusqua la comprehension totale de letre comme une entite par la raison et jusqua ce que letre ait sa conscience et acquit sa liberte.Ainsi Hegel met a lorigine du monde la contradiction et suggere quon peut comprendre lessence du monde lorsquon comprend la contradicition.La contradiction est chez lui la realite ultime. Cest une proces synthetique.Dans la realite dialectique qui releve La totalite, les theses, anti-theses et les syntheses sont aufgehoben donc aboli en sens dialectique. Ainsi il indique que la dialectique fait de tout lhistorique.Chez lui, lhistoire est rationnelle. Certes lhistoire apparente nous montre le spectacle de la violence et du desordre mais il faut se referer a lhistoire profonde qui manifeste la Raison. Celle-ci nest pas un principe purement individuel mais une puissance spirituelle immanente a lUnivers. Elle utilise comme instrument les passions humaines. Hegel nomme cette utilisation la ruse de la RaisonHegel indique que le reel est rationale et le rationale est reel mais il ne parle pas de lempirique en disant reel.Ce qui est vu par un empiriste comme olgu, est irrationale pour lui.Les olgu deviennent rationale apres que leur propriete exterieur est connu comme lapparence de lentite.Ceci donne une propriete rationale empiriste a Hegel. BIBLIOGRAPHIE:Bertrand Russell Baty FelsefesiTarihiMacit Gokberk Felsefe TarihiAlexandre Kojeve Hegel Felsefesine GiribGilles Deleuze Kantyn Elebtirel Felsefesi

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin-Response Paper free essay sample

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: The Path to the Auto-improvement 2 The main reason that Franklin had to write his autobiography was to show how to live the life In a better way, at least in Franklin s experience. Franklin added two letters that eventually convinced him to finish his project of writing his autobiography. The letters (one from Mr.. Able James and the other from Mr.. Benjamin ) said to Franklin about the importance that had others would know about his life. Actually this book was not destined to talk about his role during the American Revolution. In fact, this book is about a way to get a life of excellence. During his autobiography Franklin remarked the facts that he thought more relevant for the auto-betterment. The main factors that I like were: the importance of reading, the education that Franklins father gave him and the accepting mistakes. During four parts of the autobiography, Franklin talked about how the books make him better. We will write a custom essay sample on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin-Response Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Franklin s love for the books during his childhood was very important for his success. It Is easier to acquire knowledge from books If you like reading than If It Is Just done as a task. HIS abilities for reading grew enough to develop his writing. At the time Franklin had developed reading (to gain knowledge) and writing (to transmit It) he Is converted In a respectable man. In the most part of his life, due his knowledge, Franklin was very helpful in the development of the town where he lived. Also, with reading, Franklin reshaped his life style.For example, just consuming vegetables (sometimes ate fish), or Just drinking water and nothing of beer although others laughed of it. Maybe getting a healthy life helped to the long life of Franklin. 3 Next, Franklins father was too important in his development as person. I think the most important fact was when Franklin stole some quarry stones for a wharf. But when his father took notice of this, he taught to Franklin that when something bad Is done to accomplish anything, then this does not worth It. Also, Franklin during his childhood and youth notice the Importance of knowledge.Franklin saw his father as a respected man due his Impartiality and capacity to solve problems. This example became a model to live in society for Franklin. Committed a very big mistake when he loses contact with Miss Read. At the time he returned from England, he married with Miss Read. Franklin believed that left her in the past was a big mistake because when they are married, they became happier. Also, accepting mistakes meant for Franklin the happiness. When he took notice that he could not be perfect, then Just does not live more under pressure to reach perfection. This did not mean leave his life style.In conclusion, I think this is a very helpful book. Actually I believed that it would be more engaged with American history, but eventually, the lessons were very interesting like the importance of reading, the thirteen virtues, or working for the community. On the other hand, I think that the book is very hard to read due the differences and useless of some words, it is necessary a dictionary. Also, the way to write an autobiography is not the better. I remembered had read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and this had a better sequence. Although this book was not made as a history resource, it helps to know the way of life in this era.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Yellow Mini Essay Example

Yellow Mini Essay Example Yellow Mini Essay Yellow Mini Essay Main characters: In this poetic novel written in verse and told through the perspective of five teenagers, we enter their lives as they struggle through the hard times of high school. Mark- a handsome teenage boy of Iraqi origin with dark features. He is a popular and bright kid. After his fathers death, he loses himself and buys a yellow mini in which he spends most of his time with his girlfriend Stacey trying to run away from his insecurities. Stacey- A former geek who Jumps up the social ladder after changing her image in order to become popular. She finds a new, Repplier look and Joins the cool crew with Mark by her side. Although she has potential, she is too focused on her popularity which leads to a drug and alcohol abuse. She throws away her life as she rides in Marks yellow mini with him at all hours of the night. Unnamable- Unnamable is a kind girl with thick brown hair, pale skin and bright green eyes. She was raised by her mother when she was 17 years old. She has a passion for protesting and making a difference in the world. She and Mary were best friends with Stacey before she became popular. Mary- Mary is an awfully shy girl with a remarkable talent for playing the piano. She is somewhat pretty but lacks the confidence to show her inner and outer beauty to the world. Christopher- A nerdy, socially awkward, boy with an acne problem and a thin figure who loves astronomy and is dating Unnamable. Together they stand side by side while they fight for what is right. Setting:This story takes place in a modern day period in an unspecified city. However, the majority of the story is being told in an average high school atmosphere as the teenagers face the same social and academic problems that us students face presently. Conflict: The conflict of this story which is teens trundling to find their own identity through the hard times of high school can be interpreted in several ways. For example, some might believe this is individual vs.. Society because in these times, it is normal for teenagers to get lost for reasons such as peer-pressure. However, I believe that the opposing forces are individual vs.. Self because the conflict is from within. However, with the help and guidance from friends and family, they find their way in the end. Theme: I think that the theme of this story is that adolescence is a hard time in all our lives but it shapes us to be the people we will become. This step in our lives and the obstacles we overcome in it is what lead us to maturity and adulthood. The Chrysalis By: John Yamaha Main characters: David Storm is the narrator and the protagonist of the story. He lives in a small conservative community where everyone is prejudice against anyone who differs each other telepathically. This means he must keep his abilities carefully hidden along with his other telepathic friends. He starts off in the novel as a very vulnerable 10 year old boy, never questioning his parents religious beliefs on the subject of mutations, blasphemy and deviation from the norm. However, as he grows older, he realizes that they may not be right and becomes very bright and knowledgeable. Sophie Wonder is a young girl born with an extra toe on each foot. Because of this small difference, she is considered a mutant and must live in a secluded area in a small cottage where she wont be found. She is a very brave young girl because when she is discovered, she doesnt let fear take over her life, she stays optimistic and hopeful. Uncle Axel is a kind man who keeps his knowledge of Davits telepathy a secret. Unlike Davits very religious father, he often questions many conventional elisions principles and is very tolerant towards the concept of deviations. Peter Storm is Davits very childish and oblivious little sister who can communicate telepathically as well. She doesnt understand how powerful her abilities are and how her life is very much at risk if she is discovered. Roseland Morton is Davits half cousin and lover. She is a part of the group of telepathic. She is very bright and quick on her feet when it comes to escaping in order to save her life. Setting- the setting of the story takes place in several significant places throughout he story. It all starts in Davits home town, a vivification and futuristic village called Wan. This is where David discovers his abilities and how dangerous they can be. How his parents are wrong about blasphemies. The second important locations is Sophies cottage because this is where he begins to questions his parents and realizes how blasphemies are no different from everyone else and shouldnt be reprimanded. Another key place is the Fringes, a place where all mutants are accepted. Conflict- The main conflict in this story is external and man vs Society because any deviation from the norm must hide themselves from the cruelty of society in order to save their lives. In this story, the only solution is running away to the Fringes which really doesnt resolve anything Theme- I think the theme of the story is to accept people for who they are because all humans are equals and gods creations. Also, the story also teaches us that Just because you have power and authority over someone, doesnt make you right. Cousin. Http://www. Wisterias. Oregon_chrysalis http://chrysalises. Tripod. Com/technocracies/did. HTML

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Essay style analysis on an international director Research Paper

Essay style analysis on an international director - Research Paper Example He published some early short stories in that magazine, the first of which was entitled â€Å"Gas.† The main character is a woman who believes that she is being brutally attacked on the streets of Paris, but it turns out that she was only hallucinating, under the influence of anesthetic gas in her dentist’s chair. Later, he became interested in photography and joined the London branch of Paramount Pictures as a title-card designer (used in the silent movies that were popular during that time period). Between 1920 and 1925, he began the rise from title-card designer to movie director. Many of Hitchcock’s first projects turned out badly, beginning with the unlucky film Number 13, which was canceled because of a lack of investors. His first success was The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog. Many of his later cinematic techniques also appeared in this first hit – as did the notion of the â€Å"wrong man.† Marrying his assistant director, Alma Reville, in 1926, Hitchcock would soon move into the â€Å"talkies† (movies with sound), also with considerable success. His feature Blackmail was the first British feature film to be completed with sound. Another Hitchcockian motif that would become famous first appeared in this film, as the climax of the story occurs on the dome of the British Museum. Later, such landmarks as Mount Rushmore would feature prominently in suspenseful sequences in his films. Another motif that would become well-known was his own practice of making cameo appearances in his own movies; in Blackmail, he is sitting on the subway reading, while a small boy bothers him. In 1939, Hitchc0ck came to the United States to work in Hollywood, as part of a seven-year contract with David O. Selznick. However, Hitchcock was less happy during this time period as he had been previously, as Selznick began to encounter periodic money problems and took considerable creative control away from Hitchcock. His first American movie was